Friday, December 1, 2017

Poll 74 Results / New Polls

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Catwoman post to bring you this exciting News Bulletin!

Our Jungle Girl poll has come to a close. After an Impressive 650 votes here are the results
It looked like Jane was able to swing ahead in this poll. :-) After 222 she proved that her feet are the ones that most fans will enjoy cleaning. In second place was Wakfu's Amalia and the original Jungle Queen Sheena was able to securely lock in 3rd place. Don't feel too bad for the rest of these women. They all proved to have Foot cleaners of their own and even a last minute addition like Ya'wara managed to claim 5 votes.

As always I want to give a massive Thank you to everyone for voting and sharing their opinions. I think it's safe to say that there will be a tribute (possibly more than one) to Jane in the future as well as some of the other ones in this. :-)

Ok... Two New Polls in the Sidebar. A Jedi and Sith poll and a bonus poll asking which side do you side with. These were sent in by Flynn Mars in honor of the Last Jedi coming out this month. He'll also be the one keeping track of these so a special thanks to him for setting these up. :-) 

All right Everyone. I still have more Catwoman tributes to post this week and after that... The Sky's the Limit. 

Have a good Holiday Season!


  1. Almost forgot. ^_^; My personal favorite character out of these was Shanna. I can understand why Jane won though. She tends to be first Jungle girl most people (including me) think of.

    Anyway really great voting everybody!

  2. Aw I wanted my Wakfu Waifu to win 😔

    1. Same here, but luckily we have a lot of posts of her here already

    2. :-) Amalia is a good one. She was in my top 3 choices.

    3. Enjoy this instead

  3. Kinda disappointed that Sheena didn't win, but there's always a post later on down the road.

  4. Replies
    1. That's awesome. Ayla is really underappreciated. I like her a lot too.

  5. To help in the Jane tribute, use movie stars who have played Jane in Tarzan related media.

    1. O.O That's a good idea Vincent. I'll try to look up the actresses who have played her in the past.
