Tuesday, March 6, 2018

DC Super Hero Girls: Frost 2

Ok...Today's post is a tribute to the coolest student at DC Super Hero High... Frost!! ❄
Some pictures from her Dress Up game available here: http://www.dressupwho.com/games/frost-dress-up/
(These are a combination of webfinds, game caps and some images from the DC Super Hero Girls episode Fish out of Water Part 2. Once again special thank yous to Flynn Mars and JTurner for recommending this episode. ^_^)

More of Frost's feet can by be found in earlier tributes to character here:

Since DC Super Hero Girls is aimed towards a younger demographic, most of the DC villainesses in the show's more malicious tendencies are toned down quite a bit. This is particular true with their version of Killer Frost who drops the Killer from her name. As with Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, the DC Super Hero Girls version of Killer Frost is much more heroic than most of the other versions of her though some recent interpretations of the character (such as her DC Rebirth and Flash incarnations) have leaned heroically as well. In DC Super Hero girls, Frost is a Chemistry genius and has a variety of icy powers. She can freeze objects and generate ice blasts. She steals heat upon contact so she has to keep her distance from others which can make her come off as cold but she has a really good heart.

I have to admit that as a fan of the Flash Live action series. I have a soft spot for Killer Frost. Danielle Panabaker does such an amazing job playing the character that she is hard not to like. The DC Super Hero Girls version of her has a lot of the same charm. She's smart and spunky. Plus she seems to have a cool detached personality. ^_^

Ok guys...that's all I got for now. Still a few more DC Super Hero Girls posts to come. 

Until next time...Stay Frosty Everyone!


  1. still prefer her tomboy design from JLU and Young Justice, but still want to give her a warm foot massage

    1. :-D These are both good versions of the character. I think that my favorite right now is the Killer Frost from the flash... just because I've been watching that series a lot lately.

    2. Eh, dont like the split personality thing

    3. That's fair. I like the split better than last season. I didn't like the Barry changing time and making Caitlin a meta put of nowhere storyline. It felt really forced. This year Caitlin's storyline seems a little less depressing.

  2. Talk about Cold Feet. Could be quite refreshing in the summer
