Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Akage no Anne: Anne Shirley

Anne is a very talkative little girl, who is always talking to everyone and she even likes to talk alone. She likes to give "poetic" names to things she likes, and has a huge imagination. Anne is a real tomboy and deeply dislikes her red hair. Very warm hearted, she's a loyal friend and daughter, captivating everyone around her with her originality. Anne Shirley is a girl raised in an orphanage who is accidentally sent to Miss Marilla Cuthbert and Mr. Matthew Cuthbert, who had originally requested a boy. At first unwanted, she gradually becomes an irreplaceable member of their family. Keep in mind this anime was made in 1979 so the quality is not that great.


  1. Oh, wow, they actually showed her feet get dirty! Nice that they did that!

  2. They have an anime version of Anne of Green Gables? Wow. ^_^;

    Props for some old school anime GumballW. ^_^

    1. I’d post the one from 2001 but i can’t find episodes of that anywhere

    2. Wow they made two series based on it. O.O

    3. They even had an anime version of Tom Sawyer as well as a few other classic novels in anime form.

    4. Wow...a Tom Sawyer anime too. O.O Neither of these are series I would expect for animes to be developed of. It's definitely an interesting mix though. :-D

    5. Yeah, found out last year, I was shocked to see how many classic novels they made into an anime,most of them look like they were done by the same company too.

  3. I made an entire set of this show actually.

  4. I had a few old school anime to bring in.
