Tuesday, May 1, 2018

American Dad: Hayley Smith

Ok... Today's post features Hayley Smith from American Dad. There are a couple of bonus characters in this one since one of the episodes took place at a Yoga Meditation center and there's a quick cameo from a popular celebrity singer.

A brief barefoot Katy Perry moment in this episode as well.
(American Dad episodes featured in this tribute are Season 9 Episode 16 She Swill Survive, Season 12 Episode 13 Holy #@$ Jeff's  Back!, Season 14 Episode 3 The Enlightenment of Ragi-Baba, and Season 14 Episode 15 Bahama Mama. A Massive Thank you to the Legendary Master of Sole Shots Match25 for recommending all these episodes for the character)

American Dad follows the proud tradition of American cartoon comedies such as the Simpsons, Futurama and  Family Guy. The show focuses on a family whose father is a member of the CIA. It's very close in style to the comedy Family Guy which makes sense because they are both created by comedy writer/producer/actor Seth MacFarlane.

Hayley is the teenage daughter on the show. She's colleged age, a liberal, and a hippie. Her free spirited nature winds up conflicting with her father a lot who is a proud republican. Hayley being a hippy seems to work in our favor because we actually see Hayley's feet a lot in the series. Her default outfit involves sandals and with 14 seasons of the cartoon available there are a lot of foot related scenes for her. With such an abundance of sandal scenes... it's much more fun to focus on the scenes where she is actually barefoot which is what this particular tribute focuses on. :-)

In terms of aesthetic appearance...I'm not really much of a fan of the animation style used in the bulk of  American cartoon comedies in general. They tend to be less detailed and less realistic allowing the characters to be wackier. For me the enjoyment in watching a show like this comes from the comedy itself and it is a really funny show. Seth MacFarlane has a dry dark sense of humor and when the jokes in the series hit... they are usually roll on the floor laughing funny. :-D For example the storyline of the Bahama Mama episode had two of the characters join a drug cartel and one of the characters wound up getting a little too into his role working for it. 😂 I also have to concede that despite the streamlined animation style of the show... Hayley is cute. :-D She also fun to watch. She tends to one of the more sensible members of the family and plays more of a straight role (particular against the family's Alien house guest Roger who has megalomaniac tendencies). She does her quirks though such as mood swings and the tendency to use Marijuana a little bit more than recreationaly.

A little bit of trivia involving Hayley is that she is voiced by Seth MacFarlane's actual sister Rachael MacFarlane.

Alright everyone...that's going to be it for now but as always more to come soon!


  1. Gonna be honest I’m not a fan of how feet are drawn in MacFarlane cartoons

    1. I haven't seen Futurama in ages, but I remember the feet looking a little better than MacFarlane's style.

    2. Me neither. I don't care about his shows.

    3. There are some Amy and Leela posts on the site for comparison. I think the feet are drawn pretty similar with limited details. Futurama does have a little bit of an edge though giving their feet with a little bit of a nicer shape. They seem to be slimmer with longer toes and a slightly curvier foot.

    4. I agree that the animation of these cartoons aren't where they shine. I think a lot of enjoyment in watching them comes from the comedy itself. ^_^

    5. I see. Cartoons are not as good as they once before before the 2000s in my opinion.

    6. Yes definitely. A lot of streamlining with their animations and character designs.

    7. I don't his shows to be as funny as they used to be, but I'll admit, Family Guy's animation when it comes to fight scenes are pretty good, like the chicken fights and that one fight where Meg and Chris fought everyone in the cafeteria.

    8. It one of those shows where the jokes can either hit or miss. If they hit they are funny but if not an episode can be pretty dry.

  2. Eh, she’s always had ‘meh’ foot shots.

    1. I think her poses are all right. She shows her soles a lot. It's just that American Dad's animation and character designs aren't are not as attractive.

    2. I didn't care about this adult cartoon.

    3. I've only seen a few episode of this series myself. I have watched a couple of seasons of Family Guy, a few episodes of Futurama and several episodes of the Simpsons. Also a Season or two of South Park. That's about my limit of knowledge of American Cartoon comedies though.

  3. It's too bad you didn't get me to make images for you. I could have gotten much better quality caps.

  4. Hayley is kinda hot alright ! Quite the sweet feet, too...
