Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Team Galaxy: Left Foot 2

I uploaded this attractive villainess before but Match (our resident Master of Sole Shots) was able to get his hands on a higher quality clip of her scenes.  I'm still hoping that there  a 720p or 1080p version of her episode will appear in the future but I'm happy to upload these clearer images of her for now. :-)
Some Animations
(These are from the Team Galaxy Episode Dance Dance Elimination. Once again a huge Thank you to the Legendary Master of Sole Shots Match25 for this. ^_^)

More Gifs for her available here:

Left Foot's Earlier Tribute:

Team Galaxy is one of those series that seems to use a motion blur in many of their frames. There are also a lot of transitional images in this one. It just highlights how quick and fluid Left foot's feet are that they are hard to capture on camera.

The reason Left is barefoot in this episode is that she loses her footwear midfight. As the images show. Left foot's footwear has built in weaponry in them. :-) To disable her attacks Yoko (the female lead of Team Galaxy) managed to glue the villainess' shoes to the floor. Left Foot however proves that her bare feet are effective weapons of their own.

I mentioned in Left Foot's earlier tribute that it would be really fun to be this villainess' foot slave and I still stand by that opinion. She proves to have incredibly powerful feet and she seems to be pretty proud of them.  I bet that she would appreciate someone that admires and probably would enjoy having someone to worship them to prove how awesome they are.

Ok...on that note... I going to end this entry here everyone. As alway though... more to come soon!


  1. She does look powerful. I'm left-handed, though.

    1. Wait, you're left-handed, too?

    2. Wow, we do have plenty in common.

    3. What year did you got into anime?

    4. I don't remember the exact date. I think around when Sailor Moon premiered in the U.S.

    5. Sailor moon was my first anime back on CN toonami days I’m lefty too

    6. Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z are my first anime I saw in 1998 when they were on Toonami.

    7. Nice Keychan. :-)

      Seems like those two series were the first exposure for a lot of us. :-)

    8. Yeah, Shonen and Magical Girls. Recently, I just finished watching with Sailor Moon Crystal and Dragon Ball Z Kai.

    9. I can't help but when I watched both of these anime, it reminds me of how much I changed in my life in both appearance and opinions. I mean, I wouldn't got into anime if it wasn't for these two shows.

  2. she seems tense, bet a long foot massage will cool her down

  3. Why am I getting a Totally Spies/Martin Mystery vibe from this show?

    1. Maybe the visuals and art style.

    2. I think they are all done by the same production studio.

    3. You're right, KSC, this series was made by Marathon Production, Rai Fiction and Image Entertainment Corporation. Marathon is the one who created Totally Spies!

  4. Nice purple color girl with some strong feet.

    1. Thanks Shadowmandude. It definitely makes for a fun combination. :-)
