Thursday, August 30, 2018

Magic Knight Rayearth: Hikaru Shidou

She's one of the three heroines and an eighth-grader with bright red eyes and scarlet hair, who is small for her age and often teased for being an tomboy. She helps her parents and her three older brothers (Masaru, Satoru and Kakeru) to run a Kendo school. Her personality is headstrong and determined, and in many ways very childish, but she is very loyal to her friends. In particular, she wanted to save Cephiro in the first arc in order to return home to her dog, Hikari, her precious childhood friend. Her magic is fire-type, such as Arrow of Fire and Crimson Lightning. Her two friends are Umi and Fuu at the start and love interest is Lantis, Zagato's younger brother, in the second half of the story. I couldn't find any foot shots of her in the first half of the anime, so these are the foot scenes for the second half mostly from episodes 21 and 24.


  1. Classic anime... Always wanted to watch this one. Nice post Custom. :-)

    1. I finished watching this CLAMP series a few days ago, it was quite tragic and heartwarming.

  2. Great post! I love Hikaru. Yes, a lot of tragedy, but the ending was much better after 49 episodes. The manga is good too. Hikaru was a tough girl to the end, strong and brave, and she has a big heart. She loves everyone!

  3. Any other CLAMP series you know, KingsSideCastle?

  4. Hey guys! Don't forget about Angelic Layer, X (movie and TV series), CLAMP School Detectives, and Kobato. Not to mention the OVAs RG Veda, Tokyo Babylon (prequel to X), and Miyuki-chan in Wonderland.

    1. Angelic Layer is my next CLAMP series to check out.
