Thursday, August 30, 2018

Queen's Blade: Echidna

Just a quick post today. A beautiful view of Echidna's feet from Queen's Blade. :-)
(These are from Queen's Blade 2 Episode 6. Special Thanks to Chaz Jones for introducing me to this scene. ^_^)

Echidna is a wild elf from the forests of Calibara. She works as a Freelance mercenary. She is an expert of deadly blades and weapons. While she is strong enough to compete for the anime title tournament  (The Queen's Blade), she has no desire to do so. Instead she puts her skills to use as a soldier for hire. 

According to the Queen's Blade Wiki Echidna has a sadistic and perverse personality. She known to grope and humiliating the people she has taking a liking to which sounds really hot. Most of the time she does this with other women. :-D She sort of has two sides to her personality. She can seem Cruel and rude at times but she is also shown to have a heart of gold.

Echidna also has a pet snake. Her signature move is called the Black Rose where she would parry an opponent's attacks with her sword and counterattack with her dagger.

I haven't got a chance to watch the series Queen's blade yet but it is definitely an anime that I hope to be able to watch it through one day. The animation in this series is really good and it seems to have an exciting storyline and a nice set of characters. ^_^

Ok everyone... still more to come in the future. :-)


  1. KingsSideCastle, I had already seen the original Queen's Blade a while back. Echida is not my favorite character but Leina, Airi, and Allleyne are my picks for favorites.

    1. :-D Queen's blade seems to have a lot of attractive women.

    2. But are you into their personalities?

    3. @Custom Judging from Echidna's yeah. ^_^

      @Dean Thanks.

    4. Is it me or you prefer the antagonists than the heroines?

    5. Sounds to me that you don't care who it is regardless. You can't be serious, KSC. You just can't hate anyone.

    6. Ok enough guys. Let me just make it really simple. I'm already devoted enough time to this argument. I'm sorry but this is the best solution I've got for everybody to at least get something they want

      Gumball you get first crack at the characters which is a huge deal since 2 other were hoping to do that anime.

      Dean since you really want to do the characters, you can post them next year like you said. It is just your responsibility to post them in a new and interesting way.

      I don't want to see anymore fighting about this and I'm going to delete anymore comments bringing up this old argument up. You guys are tiring me out.

    7. I’m sorry for real, I have no right dragging you into this.

    8. I'm sorry to KSC i never Mine for this to happen.

    9. All right guys... Let's just please drop this argument for good.

    10. Thanks again for all your help KSC even though.

    11. I just don't know how can we fix this on our own.

    12. I think there's any old saying when people fight they make the best team even though they get on each other nerves.

  2. It seems like you missed out on a lot of anime over the years, KSC.

    1. Yes. ^_^ Always more anime I want to watch than I have time for.

    2. Are you sure you can see them all once you got nothing to do in your life?

    3. I think it is impossible for anyone to watch them all... it is just too many of them. :-)

    4. In other words, you're not that insane enough to watch them all at once?
