Sunday, December 6, 2020

Hanamonogatari: Suruga Kanbaru (With Rouka Numachi, Karen Araragi, and Shinobu Oshino)

 Hanamonogatari gives the back story for Suruga and how she became possessed by a 'Rainy Devil'.  After being teased for being slow in track she made a wish on what she thought was a monkey's paw; only to find out an actual monkey's paw would have been better as it turned out the Rainy Devil caused her to attack her competitors.  

Suruga Kanbaru's Nisemonogatari Gallery.

BONUS: Rouka Numachi

Rouka is a friend and rival to Suruga.  She excelled at sports until a stress fracture in her leg ended her career.  After this she started collecting the misfortunes of others, including Rainy Devil parts.

BONUS: Karen Araragi

The tomboyish and energetic elder Araragi sister has a limited roll in Hanamonogatari.

Karen Araragi's Nisemonogatari Gallery.

Bonus: Shinobu Oshino

The almost 600 year old vampire gets a brief appearance.

Shinobu Oshino's Nisemonogatari Gallery 1

Shinobu Oshino's Nisemonogatari Gallery 2

Bonus: Previous Bakemonogatari Galleries 

Tsukihi Araragi's Nisemonogatari Gallery 1

Tsukihi Araragi's Nisemonogatari Gallery 2

Yotsugi Ononoki's Monogatari Gallery

Hitagi Senjougahara's Bakemonogatari Gallery 1

Hitagi Senjougahara's Nisemongatari Gallery 2

Tsubasa Hanekawa's Nisemonogatari Gallery 1

Tsubasa Hanekawa's Bakemonogatri Gallery 2

Tsubasa Hanekawa's Cosplay Gallery 3

Nadeko Sengoku's Bakemonogatari Gallery 1

Nadeko Sengoku's Nisemonogatari Gallery 2

Yoduru Kagenui's Nisemonogatari Gallery

Nisemongatari's Group Shots Gallery


  1. Which episode of the close ups on her feet?

  2. Replies

      This is from which episode?

    2. Is this everything from this girl and nothing is left behind? Like nobody can touch this series because of Paganax?

    3. Bakemonogatari has 13 different releases. Some with multiple story arcs in them. Only Nisemonogatari and Hanamonogatari are really complete as far as galleries go.
      Here's a list of all of the releases:

    4. Paganax, did you watch or read all of them?
