Saturday, December 5, 2020

Golden Sun Foot Festival

To start this the holidays, I will do a Foot Festival on Golden Sun, I am very unfamiliar with this RPG series other than it is only on Nintendo handhelds like the Game Boy Advance and DS. So if you can tell me whose feet do you want to play with. 


  1. Replies
    1. Basically pick your favorite female characters from the series mentioned and talk about their feet.

  2. I haven't played Golden Sun much either but it seems like the game has some attractive women. I'm not sure their names though. Google showed me some women with blue hair and an attractive redhead.

  3. Replies
    1. 1.- Posts without pictures are boring
      2.- If someone doesn't know the game, show, movie or whatever you're doing a post about, how can they participate?

    2. Trony: Then don't comment on non pictured posts.
