Thursday, January 31, 2019

Short Post: Princess Solange Blanchefleur de Lux

The main protagonist in the action RPG called "Code of Princess", the Princess of DeLuxia and the guardian of the sacred blade DeLuxcalibur. She is kind and friendly, she knows how to act royal despite that she can get quite naive, being especially trustful of others. She is very polite to the extent that she apologize to her enemies after hurting or insulting them and has a strong sense of duty and responsibility, changing to a serious mindset when her father entrusts her with the DeLuxcalibur. I found her quite lovely and she seem to care about her allies and friends during dire situations, at least, she can fight. Also, this short post here is something else I had came up with, which I call "Chibi/Small Posts".


  1. :-D Very cool Custom. Awesome to see a blonde warrior princess
