Thursday, January 31, 2019

Ashigei Shoujo Komura-san: Chapter 7 Highlights

Welcome back to the Foot Fetish: The Manga, today, we will see Komura at the school pool and a sneak peek of how Komura's appearance in a swimsuit. Enjoy!
Komura showcases yet another way to use her feet.
Self Defense: Komura can use her feet to deflect objects that come at her.
With the summer heat rising, how would Komura teach Tsukinaga how to swim? Find out next time!


  1. This was an awesome chapter. :-D Komura looks great in a swimsuit and wet T-shirt.

    1. I know. What will be next for Komura's feet?

    2. Playing either Rhapsody on a grand piano or Toccata and Fugue in D minor on a huge organ in front of a live audience. LOL

    3. To KSC: Can you guess any future ways for her feet to show?

      To Dan: I bet the live audience would be cheering for her feet to play instruments.

    4. They would. She uses her feet to play the piano or the pipe organ.

    5. I'm surprised they haven't shown any pedicure moments yet.

    6. To Dan: I can imagine that happening in this manga.

      To King: I know, I really want to see Komura getting a pedicure.
