Thursday, January 31, 2019

Young Justice: Violet Harper (Halo)

Ok... The last Young Justice tribute for now is a tribute to the cute Outsider's member Violet Harper aka Halo. :-)
(These are from Young Justice Season 3 episodes 3, 4, 7 and 13 as well as some facial shots from episode 6. Special Thanks yous JTurner and Black Viper for recommending this character)

Halo is introduced this season as a new character that joins Nightwing's team after she is rescued in Markovia. She has a mysterious background though we gradually learn more about her as the season progresses. She appears to be a Quaraci refugee who got on the wrong side of an evil organization known as Bedlam. She winds up waking up in a grave with no memory of her past. Artemis (who was on a covert mission investigating Bedlam with Nightwing, Black Lightning and Superboy) rescues her and as the two are escaping she is revealed to have meta-human abilities. When the mission ends, the Young Justice members take her in and she eventually joins their new team the Outsiders. She winds up adopting the name Violet Harper as her civilian identity and becoming the heroine Halo.

My comic book knowledge is pretty extensive but I wasn't familiar with Halo going into the series.  
Violet is really sweet. I like her a lot. She's very kindhearted and is able to make even the most troubled of her team members smile. She also a very cool set of powers with multiple abilities each one represented by a different color that she glows when using them. So far powers we've seen are:

Violet (this ability gave her her namesake) - Healing. Violet also has the ability to resurrect herself from death

Red - Creating energy barriers/force fields

Green - Creating duplicates similar to Naruto's Kage Bushin no Jitsu

Orange - Flight

Yellow - Energy Projection/Explosive Blasts

Blue - Creates a Flash of Light blinding her opponents

Indigo - Generates a Boom Tube allowing her to teleport to different locations

An interesting sidenote involving this character is that appearance-wise Halo differs from her comic book incarnation. The version of her is given a Muslim background connecting her with her voice actress Zehra Fazal.

Ok guys that's all for Young Justice for now. This is one of my favorite cartoons that is currently airing and I really recommend watching it very much. It is going to be a long wait for me until June when new episodes for the series come out.

Have a great day everyone and as always... more to come soon!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. At least you ends you Young Justice tribute with a cliffhanger of the foot side of things.

    1. Yes. Hopefully they'll some more good foot scenes when the series continues in June. ^_^

    2. Are you going to continue with this series? You seem to enjoyed it.

    3. Yeah. I hope so. Hopefully they'll have more scenes in June. :-)

    4. Have you checked your Gmail yet?

  3. Kind of weird how they took her shoes off when they tested her for the meta gene and then put them back on when it failed. I mean she was dead, and they were planning to bury her, why give her her shoes back?

  4. Her clones are less like Naruto's and just simple illusions, and her blur aura is actually white
