Monday, May 20, 2019

Final Fantasy Girl Poll from An Foot Fetishist's POV

Since the Kingdom Hearts Girl Poll had ended, I decided to do one for Final Fantasy but doing this one was not that easy because of my little knowledge of the Final Fantasy franchise and was only familiar with the obvious ones: 7, 13, and 15. By that point, I have pretty much ignored this RPG series from Squaresoft/Square Enix. I was pretty surprised that there are FF fans on this blog despite what I said about my feelings of FF.


  1. Definitely rikku surprised vanille is not here

    1. Like I said, I don't know much of these girls. Please don't beg me for her.

  2. Of the ones listed out Tifa but there are several Final Fantasy women in this poll that are hot as well. There are also a few women that I like that are not listed too like Quistis from Final Fantasy 8.

    1. King, people still believe that I missed some girls and I don't know any of them.

  3. Tifa is my FF Waifu. I also like Quistis,Fujin,Aerith,and Elena too.
