Sunday, May 19, 2019

Game of Thrones Feet: Ygritte

"You know nothing Jon Snow".... Yup you guessed it. The next woman Game of Thrones character up is the Wildling Ygritte.  
(Various images of Ygritte and her actress Rose Lesie)

A little bit of behind the scenes trivia is that in real life Rose Leslie is married to the actor who plays Jon Snow in the series Kit Harrington.

Ygritte is wildling (a group of people who live to the far north of the Game of Thrones world). In Game of Thrones the Northern territory is separated from the rest of the Game of Thrones world by a giant wall of Ice. It is a cold and desolate place very much like the Artic here. The Wildlings become forced to invade the southern territory when the White Walkers (Game of Thrones versions of Zombies) resurface in the North. In the series... she forms a friendship and romantic relationship with the one of the heroes in the series Jon Snow who was investigating the North undercover. He winds up trying to stop the Wildling invasion leading to a conflict between the two of them.

As her red hair would suggest, Ygritte has a fiery personality. In the series she is really fierce but loyal to the people she cares about. ^_^ Ygritte is a master archer and is said to never miss her mark

I like Ygritte a lot. Her sharp wit and fiery personality is really enjoyable to see on screen. She banters with Jon quite a bit in the series which is fun to watch as well. ^_^ 

Ok guys I wanted to finish all of the Game of Thrones posts in one day but I wound up starting late so I'm going to have to stop here and post a second set of women from the series tomorrow. I also just finished watching the Finale a moment ago and I'm still reeling from it. I did not see the ending coming. ^_^; It was a really intense watch. More thoughts on it to come in the future.


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