Tuesday, May 14, 2019

First Foot Massage You Gave

Who was the first girl you gave a foot massage to and how could you improve your massaging skills in order to get used to each girl you met?


  1. A nephew, a foot massage is healthy and full of benefits so everybody wins ;) Is always nice to take shoes and socks and care for other person's feet. Whenever I can I give her a foot massage.

  2. The first foot massage that I gave was to my twin cousins when I was in middle school, I would do so almost every day of the week I stayed with them during Thanksgiving. I seem to be the only one who remembers, which is fine, TBH.

  3. I haven't given a lot of massages but my first massage was to a teacher. I think getting a chance to practice and watch some foot massage tutorials on youtube might help.
