Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Game of Thrones Feet (Finale): Daenerys Targaryen

Ok the Final Game of Thrones Woman up is none other than the Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, Queen of the Andals, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea Danerys Targaryen. ^_^
Game of Thrones / Clash of Kings Comics
(Various webfinds of Daenerys and her actress Emilia Clarke as well as images from the Game of Thrones and Clash of Kings comic series)

Bonus from the Game of Thrones Musical excerpt:
I'd take her up on that. ;-)

Daenerys is probably the most well known character in Game of Thrones.  Daenerys is a member of house Targaryen; a House that has an affinity for dragons. They are able to withstand fire and control dragons. Using those abilities the Targaryen house ruled Westeros for many years. Prior to the start of the Game of Thrones series, the Targaryen dynasty was removed from power forcing Danerys and her brother to escape Westeros to the east when they were children. Daenerys grew up in exile have to struggle to restore her family name.

Over the course of the series, Daenerys manages to work her way up to a position of power through determination, perseverance, sacrifice and intelligence. She figures out to hatch the Dragon eggs that were given to her as a gift and has 3 dragons under her control. With them she acquires an army and followers who would do anything for her. She is a natural leader and the people around her grow to respect her. Her enemies in turn learn to fear her. Her dream though is to return to Westeros, claim the Iron Throne, and rule over the seven kingdom; something that she believes is her birthright. Whether she accomplishes that dream remains to be seen in the series.

I think like a lot of people Daenerys is my favorite female characters in game of throne. It hard not to like a hot blonde who is commanding, powerful and beautiful. Plus Dragons are really cool and this woman is the Queen of them. 

The motto for House Targaryen is "Fire and Blood" words that fit Daenerys perfectly throughout the Game of Thrones series. ^_^

Ok as a little bit of extra bonus for making it through all these Game of Thrones tributes. I have an extra surprise for you...

Game of Thrones Spotlights

It's been awhile since I've done this but here we go. First up is...

Game of Thrones Femdom
A femdom interactive staring the Game of Thrones women. So far there have been arcs involving worshipping Missandei, Myranda, Daenerys and Arya's feet as well as a few other women from the books. Be sure to check the story outline here for where those arcs occur

Even better that there is an interactive to the feet of the Game of Thrones female characters themselves. Aptly titled it is called...

Game of Thrones Feet
This interactive is still developing but it already has some amazing arcs. My favorite is a storyline where the main character (you) wind up being a footslave to Daenerys. There are also strorylines for Cersei, Myranda and Arya currently going on.

In addition to that... The Game of Thrones Feet interactive creator Watchdog2013 added some story arc to another popular interactive here...

The Ultimate Foot Fetish
Storylines to watch for include an arc involving being a Foot Slave to Cersei (with guest stars Margaery and Asha Greyjoy), as well as an additional opportunity to worship Daenerys' feet as well.

Ok everyone... That all for Game of Thrones. I hope you guys liked these tributes. Thank so much for reading and as always... more to come soon!


  1. Can you make a gif of her stepping out that bath? Please?

  2. Ahhh.....Daenerys, my favorite female protagonist, Too bad HBO crew and the production team
    wouldn't make a scene about getting her feet kissed compare to the actual cannon books
    George Martin have written about her,...just fascinates my fantasy even more ^_^

  3. I don't approve of Live Action on an Anime blog,

    1. There are some comic book shots towards the end. Maybe they'll make a Game of Thrones anime one day.

    2. Not to sound nasty or anything like that or be a jerk to you,my brother. But I really don't like ot when people go Stuart Snyder.

    3. BTW. I'm currently working on my Very First Non-Foot Fetish related Interactive Story for I'll send you the link once I'm finished.

    4. Cool... Looking forward to it. ^_^
