Thursday, May 23, 2019

Mini-Post: Maya Mikuri (ID-0)

She is the main heroine, an newcomer to the Planet Alliance Academy and loves astrogeology. She found herself working with the mining group called the Excavate after an accident that caused her to drift away from her teachers, Kinsberg and Romanov, during an storm in an asteroid field only to be saved by Orichalt pirating miners led by Grayman. Because that she had illegally sharing information about a large Orichalt deposit, she was forced to stayed on-board the Stulti, Excavate's mothership, until she is able to clear her name from being an criminal. She controls an I-Machine, an robot that can operate in extreme environments by transferring the human pilot's consciousness into the robot's operating system but one drawback: if the I-Machine cannot return to the pilot's human body or the body itself is destroyed, that pilot's consciousness remained in the robot with no way of returning back to normal for the pilot. The last picture is from Episode 7.