Thursday, August 8, 2019

2019 Final Checklist

Everyone ... I have a little bit of bad news. You guys probably guessed this already but work is starting to catch up to me.  I started a new job and it looks like I'll be traveling again as part of that job. This means I'm going to be away from the blog for quite a bit of time. (At least 3 months but possibly for another 2 years).  This may even be it for me. ^_^;

I start traveling at the end of next week and I'm going to try to wrap up as much as I can before heading out. Some of the posts will be set to go out while I'm away so it won't be a large gap. I'll also have a brief break in November (Thanksgiving) where I can hopefully complete a few more. After that there's a possibility I'll get deployed for a long term assignment and I don't know if I'll have to opportunity to access the site during that period.

Anyway, This is the rest of my 2019 Lineup...

Red She Hulk
Batgirl Megapost
Stacy Stickler
Rebecca the Panther
Daphne Blake
Chae Lam
Young Justice Artemis
Young Justice Halo
Young Justice Terra
Young Justice Bumblebee
Honey Lemon
Go Go Tamago

Figures (Weekly series for 2019)
Heel Turns (Monthly Series)

Game Models (Was hoping to have these done by September but its going to go into December or possibly next year depending on how much time I have available)
Inori Yuzuriha

I also have a few other projects and surprises I'm working on but I don't know how much I'll be able to get to this year. ^_^ We'll have to see how it goes. :-)



  1. I doubt even your job can keep you away from the bare feet of lovely beauties for long

    1. :-) They do have a magnetic quality to them that are hard to resist.

    2. I know what you mean. 😁

    3. Yeah, it's going to be more quiet without you, King.

    4. I try to pop in and comment on posts if I get a chance while I'm away.

    5. Yes, you would but it felt more calmer without you.

    6. I guess I tend to comment a lot when I'm around. ^_^

    7. LOL! That's for sure. When you catch up and comment on everything, my mailbox blows up with comment alerts. 😆

  2. Take care man, wish you the best on your new job. Sounds like you'll be having a long but good break.

  3. Like I said, all the best to you. You'll be back before you know it. 😃

  4. I wish you the best on your job. I hope you would be back before the end of the year because I really want your response on my future Sailor Moon posts like Sailor Stars.

    1. Thanks very much Custom. Hopefully I'll get to see them. They sound awesome.

    2. The love for female feet will always be with you.

    3. So can we still chat once you return?

    4. I would like to do this personal quote for you, "Female feet can be beautiful if you appreciate them".

  5. Game models, huh? Maybe you should look into Sothis from Fire Emblem Three Houses.

    1. O.O I'll look into her. Thanks for the recommendation Layne.

    2. Layne, you got that game, Fire Emblem Three Houses?

    3. Yes, I do, and I love it!

      King, she’s also in Heroes with some alluring art as well.

    4. I see. I had never really got into Fire Emblem because of the strategic gameplay can be crucial to the rest of the story.

    5. Ah, I see. Well, Three Houses is very beginner friendly, so if you want to start there, feel free to.

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