Thursday, August 8, 2019

Iroduku the world in colors: Kohaku Tsukishiro

Kohaku is Hitomi's grandmother who sent Hitomi to live with her 17-year old self. Kohaku is a troublemaker girl who often does experiments with her magic at school, causing a fear of magic among her classmates. She is initially abroad when Hitomi arrives in the past and joining the art & photography club after she returned. She works very hard to perfect the time magic to send Hitomi back to her time. She finds happiness by doing magic which make people happy


  1. Excellent! Seems like an interesting series.

  2. Replies
    1. Her granddaughter is going to be next

    2. King, have you noticed the lack of comments from recent posts?

    3. Really? They seem pretty strong. Most of them have 7 and up.

      My announcement post this evening is currently at 0 comments but that might just be because I posted it an hour ago.

    4. @King: No, seriously, it is weak compared to the ones from last few days.

      @Dean: I don't know if our posts are getting much attention.
