Friday, February 28, 2020

Bunny Girl Senpai: Koga Tomoe

A 1st year student at Minegahara High School.

A typical high-school girl who can take hints, but is slightly scatterbrained.

Being overly concerned about how people look at her, she hides her Hakata accent, which comes out when she panics or is relaxed.


  1. Very awesome. What the heck is a Hakata accent?

  2. When will the Wendy Marvel post come out?

    1. Marco, I assure you it's in the works. I want to see it just as much as you do, but scenes of her are hard to come by, and there are many episodes to cover. Once he finishes it, it will be worth the wait.

    2. Oh, excuse me Dean. I was still typing while you were already commenting. Your statement overrides mine. Glad to hear Wendy's almost done.

  3. I think it's Kissanime Benny. They never usually do it as good as the professional companies.

  4. For clarification, when translating, "lolicon" should be simply left as lolicon, the Japlish slang for "nonsexual infatuation with what is small, cute and child-like" (e.g. Souta from Working!) and not "pedophile". As there are already existing terms in Japanese that better carry the same severity as pedophile such as jidou-seiai "pedophilia" and shouji seiai "pedophilia of small children".

    Problem is these folks crony their way towards "professionalism", like when Funimation subs got caught pulling the exact same stunt with the Hensuki anime. They want this moral-high-ground, when they're really disingenuous prats demonizing anime watchers. Then they, or their sycophants, go onto twitter to brag about their 'good deeds', baiting people to criticize them so they can then lie and signal boost that they're outing actual pedophiles.

  5. Thanks Benny. Good clarification.
