Saturday, September 5, 2020

On Reposting

This not to provoke this is to help the blog. For the past week this blog has been dealing with a barrage of reposting. It's getting out of hand and it has to stop. Now i'm not saying i'm against reposts but they need to have a purpose outside of ''Because I wanted to this character''. For me the point of a repost is to go back in time to an older post and bring new life to it and sometimes with higher quality imagery. So i'm proposing that we set new guidelines with reposts to make it fair:

1. If a character is posted that day it cannot be reposted that day (Example: If someone posts a character on Monday September 7th 2020 they cannot repost the said character on Monday September 7th 2020)

2. I would say the best time to do a repost of a character would be a week after the original post was posted but seeing how some might be impatient maybe 3 days after.

3. If a repost is posted it must have a link to the original and you must mention the original poster

These are my suggestions for reposting guidelines and I want your guys input. KingSideCastle (Who I have respect for) for some reason won't agree to this and I cannot understand why. Surely you guys don't wanna keep seeing the same 2 characters in 1 day do you?  His reasoning is because the reposts don't hurt anyone or he doesn't want to ''over-complicate'' the rules. But I wanna hear your guys input because this madness has got to stop.


  1. I have no problem with that. I already always link to the original post and mention who did it. I figured that went without saying because it's common courtesy.

    1. Sounds like you don't care what happens to the posts.

    2. Not unless it gets "vandalized."

    3. You see the posts as Intellectual properties as in you cannot make the same character posts unless you have permission to the original owner?

    4. I don't. What I meant by vandalized was the comments filled up with insults, arguments, or advertisements.

    5. Oh, sorry. This worries me because of future posts I had in mind.

  2. Yeah I think those are good guidelines to follow Gumball. As I mentioned over e-mail right now my priority is just trying to keep things civil between posters, moderating the comments etc, keeping sniping to a minimum.

    Just due to limited amount of time and the fact that I'm already mediating a ton of disputes (some of which are over very minor things) I'm probably not going to be really strict on reposting rules. Those would be the ideal checklist to follow for setting up a repost though.

  3. GumballW, after reading this post, should I avoid not to redo old posts because of how you want them to be?
