Saturday, September 5, 2020

Sengoku Basara Foot Festival

Continuing the Warring States of Japan where Samurai Warriors left off, us, fans of the Foot Festival, will be heading to Sengoku Basara. Our special guest, Kasuga, will be the star for our foot fetish needs this festival. Enjoy your time with this kunoichi. Anyway, same rules still apply like in every Foot Festival.
Here are some Kasuga goodies.
Me: (while massaging her feet and rub her toes thoroughly) Kagura, how does that feel?
Kagura: (entered her ecstasy mode while moaning and running her hands over her body) So good...
Me: Yeah, don't underestimated the power of a serious and professional massage especially around the feet.
Kagura: (wiggling her toes while playing with her soles and heels happily)


  1. Always great to see blonde Kunoichi feet. Great festival Custom. ^_^

  2. This is the kind of lady I would take on a date.

  3. My Top 3 Basara girls shall always be Kasuga, Saika Magoichi, and Tsuruhime, in no particular order. XD
