Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Magic User's Club: Saki Sawanoguchi

 Saki is Sae's older sister who cares for and looks after Sae.  In the show she is having relationship difficulties with her boyfriend.


  1. Replies
    1. Google must have updated the site. Not liking the random dark background in comments; it's a 90's eyesore retro design. The rest I might get use to. Now if they would allow you to archive alphabetically that would be an actual improvement.

    2. Keychan and Paganax, King is aware of the issue, and hopes to resolve it this weekend. You should have seen it earlier this morning, it looked a lot worse with everything moved to the far left. I was the one who alerted him and Match, and he made this quick fix as a temporary thing. Oh and BTW, Saki looks great!

    3. Support for the previous site Layout I was using expired and the blog was breaking. I updated to newer contempo layout but I have to fix the color scheme a bit. I'll try do some updates this weekend or next.
