Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Nichijou: Yuuko Aioi (Episode 10)

Yuuko is one of the four major characters, although she's the one who gets top billing. Yuuko loves making jokes to make other people laugh, but often fails or takes a joke too far. Yuuko is usually undeterred by her failures to crack jokes and is creative with coming up with new jokes or humorous reactions. She tends to be clumsy and takes a simple-minded approach to life. She is not academically inclined, falls asleep in class, is not diligent with her homework (which she frequently just copies from her classmates Mio Naganohara and Mai Minakami), and tends to fail tests. She is scatterbrained and can find it very difficult to concentrate, going on long tangents and overthinking things. While she is generally an easygoing person, her mood changes instantly if she is insulted. She sometimes speaks Malay by greeting others with a Selamat pagi which means good morning in both the Malaysian and Indonesian languages. She is shown to have a fear of snakes and tends to freeze up easily when faced with something she does not understand but refuses to acknowledge it. In this scene, she's complaining that she doesn't want to study, but because of her poor grades she has no choice. She then contemplates about her future in a humorous presentation. If you really like what you see, be sure to check out a previous post from GumballW of another character from this series.


  1. Huh somehow I completely overlooked her, thanks

    1. No prob. The character Hakase/Professor is always barefoot indoors, but her feet are commonly obstructed by her oversized lab coat.

    2. Hey Gumball! I'm somewhat new to this community and I gotta say I love this place!! Are there any more like it? Maybe even a place where people write foot fetish fantasies involving popular animated characters? I love animated feet!

    3. I can help as well. There's this website:

      As for what else you're looking for, I'm pretty sure deviantART has something like that there. I do know someone else who knows a lot more about that stuff, he could probably get you some links.

    4. Well DaDaMo12 check out Haruka Gracia’s YouTube Channel.

    5. Well, he's extremely dense. When he's asked a question, all he says is hmm. He also commonly responds yep or okay. And the ultimate no no, he posts videos of boy feet.

    6. ESLs tend to speak that way when they don't know enough English.

    7. @Dan: I agree with you, I just wish he would actually explain some things like how he know what show each foot scene is from due to each description on each video?

      @GumballW: Have you ever read Haruka Gracia's comments? Are you fine with boy feet?

      @Benny: Who are ESLs?

    8. @Custom: ESL means English as a second language. So his English might not be all that great if that's the case. How do you like what I did with Yuuko?

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. @Dan: She looks pretty good. Her feet are nice and natural.

    11. Why she decided to take her socks off is a mystery. But it worked out in my (and probably everyone else's) favor. That's why I couldn't pass up sharing her.

    12. @Dan: You probably didn't care what cause her to remove her socks, since this is an treat for your love on female feet.

  2. Great post! I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the cast!

    1. Do you think Dan will do the rest of the cast?

    2. Not sure, anyone else is welcome if they take an interest in this series.

    3. Hopefully! We already mentioned how Hakase is almost always barefoot, so surely she has plenty of scenes showcasing her feet.

  3. She takes so much abuse, Yuuko... Though at times she deserves it. Also Nanono best girl, robot, whatever.
    The site doing Halloween time or something?

    1. @Benny: Yuuko's mother is lucky this isn't the United States. Because she'd be arrested for child abuse if she pulled crap like that here. Sure, it was late and she was making too much noise, but you don't Bodyslam your daughter.

    2. Nah, you just Crossbody her like Mio.
      Well, I can actually read words now but not so keen on the blue on black.

    3. @Benny: King's aware of the problem and plans to put in place a much better layout hopefully this weekend.

      As for Mio, that girl needs to get her explosive temper under control. She completely flips out over the stupidest things.

    4. Good to hear.

      Hell hath no fury like a sensory volatile fujoshi when her sacred yaoi fappage is concerned.
      I like that the terrorist from Mirai Nikki is her voice so it checks out.

  4. Awesome. ^_^ So cute Dan... Thank you for posting her.
