Monday, July 11, 2022

An Mini-post on Spy x Family

This short scene is from Episode 10 of the first season where Anya was training with Yor to win a dodgeball game in order to get a Stella Star for being an MVP of Eden Academy.


  1. This is as far as I know from the manga, the only scene where Yor is barefoot. They do go to the beach at a later chapter but we only see them snorkeling and thus Yor is wearing fins the whole time.

    Then again I believe this scene was new and not in the manga. So who knows what we'll get in the future.

    1. Probably not since there are very little or no female foot content in this series so far. Even Anya got more socked feet scenes than barefooted ones.

    2. I checked, and yeah. This is a new scene. It was not in the manga.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, not much of this anime yet so don't be disappointed the lack of bare feet scenes of these two.
