Monday, July 11, 2022

Dr. Stone: Ryuusui: Minami Hokutozai

These are from the OVA special. As I stated before Minami Hokutozai is a pre-petrification human and a former reporter. Originally a member of the Tsukasa Empire, she later joins and helps the Kingdom of Science. Check out my previous post of her here.



  1. Do you enjoy Dr. Stone, Gumball? Are you going to be posting the third season next year?

  2. Never understood why some people, especially those from modern times, would intentionally go barefoot all the time. I mean we see they know how to make shoes and the like, and the ground can't be comfortable to walk on.

    1. Maybe some people love being barefoot and prefer to be one with Mother Nature by improving their balance and posture while walking and/or running or just earthing on the ground.

    2. I think in her case, it's because she hails from the Tsukasa Kingdom and only a handful of people wear shoes. Minami is a reporter by trade, and her kingdom needs Intel of the Kingdim of Science, and she lacks fighting skills, but she is really good at stealth. If she goes barefoot, she can walk very quietly and hide in a pinch.

    3. Vorthix: So you think that if she wears shoes, they could be noisier when sneaky around and bare feet are quieter?

    4. Custom 958: Some shoes are clunky and inefficient in the mountain lands, and she likely wore heels before the petrification of Earth. I'd say an even better choice would be leather moccasins. They're a very plush and natural shoe that make little noise and are good for hunting. I learned that from reading Gary Paulsen's survivalist books like Brian's Hunt.

    5. Vorthix: So moccasins are much quieter while walking in them?

  3. Blonde and barefoot are a winning combination.

  4. That's some fancy footwork right there.

    1. Do you think that barefooters never wear shoes or socks in their lives? I mean, why is that?
