Monday, September 19, 2022

Shinbi Apartment (The Haunted House): Hari Koo GIFs and additional images

A short post today of some additional images I made of Hari and Gaeun, along with a slew of GIFs from that wooden mansion episode I previously covered. Watch Hari "rock those socks" of hers, and show off her awesome evasive moves and flips like only she can do.

Wow, nice place you got here Yeon-ji.

Let's head upstairs to Yeon-ji's bedroom and get situated.

Trick or Treat. We're heeeeeeere!

No Gaeun, don't! Oh, just a tree branch, what a relief.

Run guys, run!

Let's head downstairs now for an awkward dinner.

Let go of my arm, you're not stopping me! Uh-oh, trapped again.

Charge! Ouch, that hurt.

Ha ha, you missed me! See ya!

Hiyeee-ya! Take that, stupid wooden doll!

Is that you, Doori?!

I'll save you, Little Brother! Oof! Ow, my butt.

Are you okay?...Oh crap, it's coming! Move out of the way, Doori!

Whoops, that was close! Hey Hari, is it just me, or did we have our sneakers on for a second?

Nice shot, Big Sis! Thanks Little Bro, now charge!!

Yikes! Please don't hurt us!

C'mon Doori, let's fry that big ugly tree! We don't need our sneakers to kick its butt!

We won!...Hari, your foot, watch out! Ah, too late.

Ha! You fell right into our trap, you're done for, pal!...Oh no, going down! Alley-oop, I'm okay.

Now I got to go help my friends. Later!

Gaeun in her outfit from the 4th Season ending animation

Hari in the dress Kang-Lim bought her

Hari in her outfit from the 4th Season ending animation


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, what about my comments above each?

    2. Quite a read. I imagine how the dialogue be like if future seasons were dubbed in English.

    3. I just randomly thought of stuff. I think the funniest is the Big Ugly Tree comment.

    4. I bet you were enjoying yourself making up your own dialogue depending on the scene.

  2. Gorgeous. Awesome post Dan. Yes I did like the Joke Captions.

  3. She's quite athletic, animation's also more fluid compared to other Korean anime I've seen.

    1. She certainly is. And it's helped in many situations, probably even saved her life a few times. Hari's one of the bravest and most athletic girls I've ever known.
