Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Phoenix/Jean Grey Mega-post (Chanukkah Day 8 Finale)

Ok Finishing of the Channukah posts with a flourish, here is the final Fire girl...it the beautiful leading lady of the X-men series Jean Grey aka Phoenix. With a variety of incarnations of Jean Grey out there all with varying degree of barefoot material for her, we have a lot to cover so let's dive right in...
Comic Book Jean Grey
I think I mentioned in a previous tribute that I did for her that Jean winds up wearing a variety of sexy costumes throughout her career as an X-men team member (and occasional villainess). The comics in particular give her a wide range of hot outfits to confront her opponents in.

The purple top costume below is one of her newer costumes that I haven't seen adapted into any of the animated versions of the series yet.

There are a couple of nice foot scenes involving Jean while she is wearing that costume though. ^_^

I've been trying to find a larger image of the above picture but I haven't had much luck. Does anyone know which issue it is from?

Ed Benes' artwork is always jaw dropping. ^_^

In the comics and the Wolverine and the X-men series Jean and Emma are involved in a love triangle with Cyclops. Naturally, we get treated to a couple of psychic catfights between the pair of them. ^_^

Slipped in another Christmas stocking present for you guys. ;-)

The Yellow and blue costume (above) was a 90's costume Jean wore designed by Jim Lee who also designed Wonder Woman's current outfit. I like this one a lot better.

The above green and gold motif is Jean's Phoenix costume. The are a lot of variations of this outfit. One of the really popular ones is the green being replaced by red for her Dark Phoenix outfit. There is also a white version of this costume too. ^_^

Not featured in this post but one of my favorite outfits involving her is Jean Grey's Black Queen costume aka her dominatrix outfit. As far as I know Jean doesn't go barefoot while wearing it but I did find a really nice picture on Deviant Art here: http://urrgos.deviantart.com/art/Black-Queen-Jean-Grey-151899752

Ok Moving along the next incarnation up is...

X-men Cartoon Jean Grey
The X-men cartoon series of the 90's was my first exposure to the X-men characters. Because of that it would always have a special place in my heart. Its version of Jean Grey is definitely my favorite. Not only do I really love its animation and character designs but this series had the longest run of any of the X-men television allowing it to cover Jean's storylines more thoroughly. The downside of the series is that there weren't many barefoot moments involving Jean. We do get a little bit of a glimpse of her feet in the Dark Phoenix saga though which I posted below...

I'm working on a new column called Good Girls Gone Bad highlighting some heroines villainess turns that I'm hoping to incorporate into this blog next year. Jean's stint as the dark Phoenix would definitely deserve a mention in it. ^_^

Anyway, the next incarnation up is...

X-men Evolution Jean
The X-men Evolution series which ran from 2000-2003 easily has the best Jean Grey foot scenes in it. ^_^ Not only does the character's casual outfit depict her wearing sandals but it also give her the best barefoot close ups too. In addition to that, this version of Jean is on the soccer team. ^_^

Wolverine and The X-men
I recently marathon watched this series after getting some of the caps from episode 5 for the Emma Frost Christmas bonus. It was intense. I really love its animation. It sort of has a nice cross between western and Japanese animation thing going for it. The storylines were exciting as well. However I was crushed to see Jean disappear in the first episode. As she remained absent for most of the series, I began clicking my tongue thinking that the chances of seeing this version of Jean barefoot was becoming increasingly unlikely (a total shame because she was really hot too). But luckily to my pleasant surprise, she reappeared in the final arc of the series and gives us some nice barefoot scenes. :-D

(Ok a lot of credits with this post guys. First off all of the comic book pictures are webfinds that I either found on Comic Vine or by googling Jean on the internet. There are also three sets of animated caps involved in this post. The first of them are from the 90's Animated X-men Cartoon series episode the Dark Phoenix Saga part 1: Shattered. The second are from the X-men Evolution episodes Mindbender and Shadowed past and the last set is from the Wolverine and the X-men 3 part conclusion Foresight. Massive thank yous to Juancho for confirming Jean Grey's Dark Phoenix Saga barefoot moments as well as David and Mask Greene (who also did his own excellent post involving Jean Grey) for tipping me off to Jean's X-men evolution scenes. Thanks guys!!)

One more earlier tribute done of Jean Grey can be found here:

Ok guys that basically concludes Channukah set (each Fire girl representing a different candle). I hoped that you enjoyed it. ^_^

:-D I stayed up late to get this post out to you guys so I'd better call it a night but as usual...more to come soon. ^_^

Have a great Holiday season everyone!!


  1. love the quick shot of Rogue feet. She should have went barefoot a lot more often, or they should have focused on her more when she was in her pajamas

  2. Hey, just curious, but what do you got plan for this site for New Year's.

  3. Thanks guys. ^_^

    :-D Oh yeah...it was really nice seeing both X-girls barefoot together. One interesting thing is that while I was capping the Jean Grey scenes in this bonus, I noticed that the video had better quality scenes of a tribute that I did for Rogue earlier. I may need to recap it.

    Hmm...I still haven't planned out what I'm going to do for New Year's quite yet Shadowmandude. ^_^; Any suggestions?

  4. Great post^^. Thanks for the site mention. As for the image you asked about (link below), I'm not sure what issue it's from. But it looks like it's based on the double page spread from Uncanny X-Men 137. I could send you that image if you want, just email your request at september2mask@gmail.com.


  5. Barefeet and red heads....I love this post :D

    Would like to cool off her feet, if you know what I mean ;)

  6. The X-Men Evolution variant of Jean is my favorite. Happy Chanukkah KSC!

  7. O_O Thanks Mask Greene, I'll e-mail you. :-)

    :-D Thanks Tristan. Yeah that combination rocks. :-D I think that I know how you would cool them off which is a hot method in itself. ^_^

    Thanks Digiharisom. ^_^ That version of Jean definitely gives us the best foot scenes. Happy Holidays to you too. ^_^

  8. I was thinking that maybe if you like is you, me, and few others like Match25 pick our top fave barefoot girls. With a written note or something that gives reasons why we like this girl, and pick our favorite barefoot moment.

    The limited number I think is 10, but if no one can think that many they can pick a number between 1 & 10 and go with that.

  9. ugh i could never just pick one girl

  10. It's a cool idea Shadowmandude. ^_^ Maybe I'll make a post asking everyone to send in their picks for their favorite barefoot female characters (they can mention as many as they want)and why over the next 2 day.

    We can pick the popular ones from the comments on Sunday and do a countdown of the top 10 favorite girls for New Years.

    Maybe let's save the best foot scene for a later post after this one allowing people to concentrate on their favorite barefoot girls.

    I'll try to think of my favorites and share them with you guys too. ^_^

  11. HOLY SHIT DUDE!! this has to be your biggest post yet!!! Lovely final to your Chanukah line up. Well done. I don't think I've seen anything more amazing. Nice work.

  12. Thanks Heretichero. ^_^ I'm really glad you enjoyed it. This was a really fun bonus set to work on. I love Jean Grey a lot. :-D
