
Friday, October 3, 2008

Gypsy Girl (Bonus)

The week just wouldn't be complete without me posting at least one of Match25's amazing finds. This one is the gypsy girl Candela from Marcelino Pan y Vino

(A huge thanks to the Legendary Master of Sole Shots Match25 for finding this awesome Pan Y Vino clip. Gotta love a cute barefoot gypsy ^_^)

Ok...time for me to head out for the day but as usual more to come soon!



  1. Funny. Me and my buddy at dA, Phuram, talk about her a lot. These pictures bring back nostalgic feelings, you know? This really cheered me up after a terrible day yesterday, KSC. And good find, Match. You really do have good taste, my friend. Keep on blogging, guys.

    Daniel Wickie

  2. There needs to be at least one girl in every type of anime that is constantly to always barefoot

  3. I'm very sorry to hear you had such a rough day yesterday Kyle. I had to work with difficult people before too so I know how rough that can be sometimes. I hope things worked out a lot better for you today.

    Yeah Match, I agree...a cute barefoot girl in every anime should be a mandatory thing.

    Speaking of gypsy girls, I had a huge crush on Esmeralda from the Hunchback of Notre Dame (who was also barefoot). It also helped that her voice actress Demi Moore was extremely hot at the time.

  4. Does that mean ou've read my journal entry, KSC?

  5. I read it and sympathize with your situation very much DW

  6. Well, the good news is that now I'm feeling much better now and I feel stronger inside than ever. Thank you for caring, my friend. *hugs KSC* This also helped me cheer me right up. And I'll have something new up very soon. ;)


  7. From DA, like none of us has thought of this when looking at these sweet gypsy feet

  8. Yes, let's not forget about him. This whole thing is just as much Phuram's as it is yours, Match. I bet that's where the idea came from, am I right? ;)

  9. True it is, but once again i never took any credit for it i just suggested it

  10. I think everyone is glad you did Match.

    That's also an awesome DA link. (Great artist too) ^_^ I'm thrilled to see that I'm not the only who fantasized about licking cute gypsy girls soles.

  11. I'd sure like to see more of Cadela
    she has such Cute Feet, and I think one thing I like is Tan or Dark skin Feet

  12. Super cute, feet and all ! And the skimpy outfit, hooray, that wouldn't be done nowadays (sadly)
