Friday, February 22, 2019

Nami Figures (Mega-Post)

Figure Feet Fridays are back with a Splash and to help us navigate these waters of the new season is the sexy pirate Nami. ^_^ There are actually quite a few models of Nami being showcased this tribute. The bulk of them are from Megahouse's Portrait of a Pirate Bathing Beauties series but there are a few others thrown into the mix as well. There are a couple of miscellaneous models in this but  for the most part the figures names and model specs are listed below. Anyway first up is...

Portrait of a Pirate Bathing Beauty Limited Edition Bikini Model 
Just in case you are wondering, the swimsuit Nami is wearing in this figure is modeled on the outfit she wore in the movie One Piece Film Z. I guess I have to add this film to my watch list. ^_^
As you can imagine multiple variants of this model have been released for this such as the attractive pink swimsuit figure below. ^_^

Model Specs:
Manufacturer: Megahouse
Line: Portrait of a Pirate Bathing Beauties
Size: 1/8th Scale (130mm approx 5.1 inches)
Material PVC

There was a reason why I picked this model to go first. It is really sexy. Megahouse's Bathing Beauties series always delivers and they always do a spectacular job with the details. Nami's feet and toes look very realistic in this. Her other attributes look gorgeous as well.

One Piece Variable Action Heroes Nami (Summer Vacation)
Model Specs:
Manufacturer: Megahouse
Line: One Piece Variable Action Heroes
Size: 6.3 inches (16cm)
Material: PVC

The great about this figure is that it is fully posable. You can get Nami to lean back, stand, create a stepping pov shot etc. The downside is that the joints for this model are more obvious but that's the trade off for posability. She still looks really sexy in this swimsuit though. This model comes with a tube which a cute accessory and definitely adds to the summer vacation theme. Also noteworthy is that this figure comes with multiple facial expressions for the character allowing for even more customization. ^_^

One Piece Nami DX
I'm almost certain this figure was modeled on this manga image of the Straw Hat Navigator eating Ice Cream. ^_^

Model Specs:
Manufacturer: Banpresto 
Line: Girls Snap Collection 2
Size:  Approx 6 inches
Material  PVC

This figure is part of a two figure set that includes a model of Princess Vivi. It's definitely looks delicious and not just because of the Ice Cream. ^_^

Portrait of a Pirate Neo Nami 
I think that it comes in different versions with different outfits available. It comes with her signature staff weapon as well.
Model Specs:
Manufacturer: Megahouse
Line: Portrait of a Pirate
Size: 1/8 scale (21cm)
Material: PVC

Another great Megahouse figure. Of the figures in this tribute, this is probably the look for Nami that I am most familiar with since I watched most of the earlier episodes of the series. Nami is not barefoot in this figure but she does wear sandals showing off her rather large feet. One Piece creator Eiichiro Oda tends to make the feet of his characters really prominent which is something that I think all of us appreciate very much

Portrait of A Pirate Nami Mugiwara (Limited)
Model Specs:
Manufacturer: Megahouse
Line: Portrait of a Pirate
Size:  22cm (1/8 scale)
Material: PVC

This is fun one that has Nami dressing in her "boyfriend's" outfit. As you can tell Megahouse did a few variations of this one. The nice thing about her wearing that outfit is that the sandals for this figure provide a better view of her feet. Nami wears sandals a lot but they can often be bulky and hide a lot of her foot. This one gives us almost a full view of them. Another thing that is hard to tell from the images I upload is that this model added the extra detail of giving Nami polished toes (see Toycoin's review for more images on that). I also love the beer mug accessory on this one. ^_^

Model Specs:

I haven't been able to identify this model yet but I like seeing Nami in this outfit. She has a cool captain look going. The heels she's wearing are definitely sexy and it is fun to see her play with them.

Portrait of a Pirate Nami New Version
Model Specs:
Manufacturer:  Megahouse
Line: Portrait of a Pirate
Size: 21cm (8.26 inches)
Material:  PVC

This is another sexy one that one that seems to highlight Nami's legs quite a bit. The way that her legs are wrapped her staff (the Clima-Tac) sort of gives you the feel that she's performing a pole dance. Hot!!!  

Portrait of a Pirate Bathing Beauty Nami Version 2
Model Specs:
Manufacturer: Megahouse
Line: Portrait of a Pirate Bathing Beauties
Size:  1/8th Scale (13 cm)
Material  PVC

This version of Nami, I like to call the wet T-shirt version. As she seems to be in the process of getting ready for the beach. The bathing beauties series always does a spectacular job of making the One Piece girls look as sexy as possible and this model isn't any different. All aspects of her body are crafted beautifully from her hair down to the tips of her toes. ^_^ As you might expect this model comes in several variants with the  T-shirt she wearing (I'm using that term loosely) available in different colors and designs.

Portrait of a Pirate Bathing Beauties (White Set)
(All of these are webfinds collected from across the net. Special thank yous to Legendary Master of Sole Shots Match25 and Demon Blade for helping out with material for this tribute)

Model Specs:
Manufacturer: Megahouse
Line: Portrait of a Pirate Bathing Beauties
Size:  1/8th scale (135mm)

Ok last but not least is this gorgeous model of Nami wearing an incredibly sexy red swimsuit.  This model was released alongside a white swimsuit version of Tashigi and depicts Nami drinking water in such a way that it could melt an iceberg in the middle of winter.  This model should seriously come with a warning label attached. Like with the other Bathing Beauties figures, the designers really put a ton of detail into this model. The swimsuit has a floral pattern displaying hibiscus flowers across it. She wears some nice golden jewelry accessories on her waist and wrist. Nami's feet are once again modeled to perfection and given polish to highlight their attractive. Yeah... I'm definitely going to need a cold shower after this post. ^_^

Anyway, some other tributes involving Nami:

Nami is one of those characters whose default outfit tends to show off her feet so chances are you'll see her again on the site in the future in either her manga, anime or figure form. ^_^ 

Have a good weekend everyone and as always... more to come soon!
-Kings S. Castle


  1. Yay, Figure Feet Fridays are back! I can wait to daydream the figure feet from girls! Do you have more for each Friday? I do have a few requests: Saber from Fate stay night, Jeanne d'Arc from Fate Apocrypha and Asuna Yuuki from SAO.

    1. :-D Thanks Custom. Yes... a new wave of figures to show you guys. O.O I'll try to do those.

    2. All right. It's like an web series with these Figure Feet Fridays or it's like to call it "F3: A King's Addiction".

  2. Y'know,I was thinking of making a list of Barefoot Action Figures and Figurines.
