Sunday, September 11, 2016

Fairy Tale Feeturettes Vol 4: Grimm Fairy Tale Classics: Cinderella

Ok it's time once again for a brand new Volume of Fairy Tale Feeturettes. The focus of tonight's post is Cinderella. As you can imagine... due to the climax of the Cinderella story, Cinderella is a character that has been featured on the site before and it's very likely that she'll appear here again. Tonight's post focuses on her Grimm Fairy Tales Classics incarnation. 
(These caps are from the Two Part Season 1 Finale of Grimm Fairy Tale Classics episodes 23 and 24. One again Tremendous Thank Yous to JTurner and Kitty Pakah for inspiring this segment and recommending the scenes and clips these caps were taken from.)

Previous Volumes of Fairy Tale Feeturettes
Vol 1: Snow White
Vol 2: Josephine from Bluebeard
Vol 3: Lizbeth from The Old Woman In the Woods (Part 1) (Part 2)

Other Posts Featuring Versions of Cinderella

The storyline for Cinderella follows the general format you would expect from the story. For those that are familiar with the Disney version. There were a couple of  things in this version that are probably closer to the original Grimm's tale but there are some other touches the anime used to put their own spin on the story.

First... The shoes as you can tell aren't glass slippers. The golden footwear is straight out of the Grimm version of the story. Also of note is that there isn't a Fairy Godmother in the story. Instead Cinderella gets the dress she needs to attend the ball from a Tree that grows nearby her house. If you're familiar with the Grimm Fairy Tale version of the story, you know that written version of the story is considerably darker than the Disney version. The anime reflects that and there is one particularly grim* scene in this version that makes you cringe. In general though the anime keeps things pretty light and doesn't get anywhere near as dark as it's source material.

There are also some nice original touches in this anime version that I really liked. :-) One of those is that Cinderella teaches the Prince how to dance. I thought it was a great way for the two characters to bond and it really makes you wish for the best for the couple. The Cinderella in this version was generally really sweet and you wind up rooting for her throughout the story. All in all this was a great adaptation of the story.

*See what I did there. ;-)


  1. Very nice and p.s did you find some time to for holo from spice and wolf

    1. :-) Thanks.

      Yes in the process of capping it. :-D You were right there were a lot of scenes involving her. ^_^
