Kamichu! is a Japanese anime television series, strongly influenced by the Shinto religion, that follows the adventures of teenage goddess Yurie Hitotsubashi and her friends. The title is short for Kamisama de Chūgakusei ("A Deity As a Middle School Student"). The series is notable for having the main characters barefoot in promotional art, and in some episodes. KIng's older post here.
cute barefeet
ReplyDeleteAwesome. ^_^ A lot of great scenes in this series.
ReplyDeleteVery cute, but I wish there were more shots of their feet getting dirty.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Harper and Sarah are barefoot through the entire newest Pokémon episode.
Dirty feet is a must to you.
DeleteYeah he’s always like this on deviant art too
DeleteSeriously, since when?
DeletePersonally i prefer a clean unobstructed view
DeleteSince at least a decade ago.
DeleteThat long ago?
DeleteThat's right.
DeleteHow did it go?
DeleteRelatively well.
DeleteI like their feet.