
Monday, January 31, 2022

Shaman King (2021): Anna Kyoyama (Part 3)

In Episode 37, the battle between Joco and the golem, Emeth, was interrupted by Anna as she tried to take over Emeth. Whilst in the next episode, Anna and Amidamaru were lecturing Yoh to return to the Shaman Fight, but Yoh decides to do what he wants regardless of the warning that Hao will kill off Redseb and his sister if Yoh refuse to get back into the fighting tournament.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Wrestling: (Amateur Style) Red vs Blue

 This week we have a quick wrestling match between a girl in red vs a girl in blue.  This fight was created by 三角すい (Triangular suki) over on Pixiv.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Overwatch Foot Festival

It's time to shoot our enemies with Tracer in this hero shooter, Overwatch. I'm pretty sure Tracer is an top girl who is destined for some foot art and worshipping, but what about the other female characters both good and evil, who are your picks for more foot fetish stuff? And yes, this includes the sequel of the original game.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Pokémon Legends Arceus: Female Character

Currently playing the game as we speak and just took snapshots while I was playing. My character’s name is Alice even though she’s pretty much Dawn. The only downside is you can really only see the toes when she’s barefoot because these characters don’t have outlines for some reason.