(These were capped from the Naruto Shippuuden episodes 72, 74 and Opening Credits of episode 99)
Last week I was so busy that I didn't get a chance to do a thorough end of the week entry. Did you guys miss it? Anyway, here's this week's wrap up.
This Week:
I ended the month with a couple of Ninja girl tributes right before I gave the poll winner Sakura Haruno a megabonus. I also posted a couple of bonus pictures courtesy of the Legendary Match25.
The main reason for putting together an end of the week wrap up this week. ;-) I really wanted to spotlight an awesome new chapter involving Supergirl that the author Mr. E wrote for my Comic Book interactive. http://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1393778/action/outline Any chapter involving the Girl of Steel getting her feet worshipped is guaranteed to be something enjoyable, but this one is a must read. ^_^
Next Week:
In one quick moment my free time got cut in half so next week I'll probably be pretty busy. I'll still try to make a couple of posts and Match has given me a lot of stuff...so you'll probably see one bonus after another from the Master of Sole Shots as well as a few other things (both blog and writing wise).
Ok guys. That will do it for tonight. Have a nice weekend everyone!!
great shots ^^ thanks for posting them , also that story is SO AWESOME best thing i have read all day.
ReplyDeleteThanks very much Lawliet. :-D
ReplyDeletei hope im not giving u too much work KSC
ReplyDeleteNah...I like it...it just might take me a while to get it all up.
ReplyDeleteAnd here I thought those other two blogs were the only ones where we would see Kurenai's feet. Shows what I know. Very nice find, KSC. You can never see too much of that sexy sensei. ^_^
Daniel Wickie
Thanks DW. I was lucky...a lot of those came from recent episodes and I caught the barefoot Kurenai in the opening while I was searching for Sakura scenes. I guess some of the greatest discoveries occur when you're not looking for them. ^_^
ReplyDeleteThat's right, KSC. That's exactly why I chose the dA signature I have now. ;)
ReplyDeleteI now have a new journal entry up, and this one's more positive. ^_^ I'm feeling much better now, and these pictures compounded my feelings. Very nice job, KSC. Keep on blogging.
Daniel Wickie
It's definitely a good saying to live by. I'm glad you're feeling better Kyle. Also cool choice of reading material. :-)
ReplyDeleteWell, I was reading it, there's no denying it, or I wouldn't have seen any of these blog pictures. And I'd just like to say that you are one of the non-dA members that gave me comfort in my sadness. I appreciate what you've said to me also. Thanks, man. *hugs KSC*
ReplyDeleteBTW, a writer with a great amount of creativity and potential, Thunder-Bolt, wrote a good story about me. It's in my favourites. Check it out, if you wish.
Didn't like it?
ReplyDeleteNo I just didn't have a chance to read it before I rushed out this morning. I actually liked it very much.
ReplyDeleteI should also add that Thunder bolt is a great author and that you definitely lucked out with Orihime.
ReplyDeleteI know. And even though we've never really met bfore, he managed to capture my everyday personality (my cheerfulness) as if he were some hidden cameraman. Would that be amusing?
Daniel Wickie
You still alive?
ReplyDeleteYup. Just been a little busy lately. Did you miss me? ^_^ I read your latest Journal entry and am glad things are beginning to work out for you with your group.
ReplyDeleteI did miss you. :) But what I was talking about was the Orihime story.
ReplyDeleteAh...I think you have such an energetic personality that it manages to carry across the internet. Even if people have never met you in person, they can sense you're cheerfulness from your e-mail and messages. Anyway, Thunderbolt's story was great.
ReplyDeleteYes it was. Does it make you have any thought of becoming a deviant? ;)
ReplyDeleteYes? No? Maybe? Capri?
ReplyDeleteYeah it's definitely tempting me to join. ^_^
ReplyDeleteWell, first you'd have to become a friend of Thunder-Bolt. He doesn't just does requests for anyone. You have to earn his trust and friendship. If you just go and pretend to be nice to him in the hopes of getting a request off of him, then he will not give you one. But I'm not saying you won't get one. I earned his friendship by reading his stuff and giving feedback and all that.
ReplyDeleteAnd I should also mention that he doesn't do requests all the time. He needs a break from it all every once in a while. He'll let people know when he's ready to take requests. And when he does, you better be quick because he grants only five people a request when that time comes.
Who knows? If you become his friend, and that shouldn't be hard to do with your friendly personality, he might set you up on a "date" with Ms. Yamanaka or something like that. :D He watchs Naruto, you know.
You know what I meant, right?
ReplyDeleteYeah. That type of personalized story would be pretty cool. I think Ino would probably get a kick out of it as well.
ReplyDeleteAny thing you might have in mind for a story? About you and Ino?
ReplyDeleteIt would be cool to read a story involving me giving her a good foot massage and worshipping her feet.
ReplyDeleteWell, if you become a friend of his (and I'm sure you will, given your friendliness), you wait until he does requests again, and if you're quick enough, I'm sure he can set you up with her on a date. And if you tell him via note what you want your story to be like, make sure you tell him. Keep all opf this in mind when you decide to become a deviant.
ReplyDeleteOk I will. ^_^
ReplyDeleteWill what?
ReplyDeleteKeep all of what you've told me in mind for when I decide to join DA.
ReplyDeleteAh. I see. And let me tell you, deviantArt is a very good place to be. There's a lot of nice people on there and it's very multicultural there too. Regardless of styles of drawing, painting, digital artwork, or writing, there's always something on there for everyone. There are even lots more people like me there too. More stuff to keep in mind for the future.
ReplyDeleteAnd when you do join dA, are you going to use the username KingSideCastle like I used Daniel Wickie?
Yeah...I think would probably use Kingssidecastle. I like that name.
ReplyDeleteSo do I. But Jake doesn't. He keeps getting it wrong. =P
ReplyDelete*Shakes head and chuckles* Oh That Jake.
ReplyDelete*wistfully* Yeah. The other day, he called you RingLightPaddle. XD
ReplyDeleteWell...that's a step up from KFC. :-D
ReplyDeleteIndeed it is. BTW, have you seen my latest journal entry on dA?
ReplyDeleteJust checked it out. I didn't know you were a monty python fan.
ReplyDeleteI am. Did you read the rest of it?
ReplyDeleteYup I read the whole thing and for the record I would definitely count Foot Massages and Tickling as a hobby. :-D
ReplyDeleteDo you see that face in the first picture?
ReplyDeleteWhat I meant was do you know what it probably meant?
ReplyDeleteKurenai's face? What did it mean?
ReplyDeleteShe was excited one time I offered her a foot rub after training all day. We became quick friends after that. ^_^
ReplyDeleteWow giving Kurenai a footrub must have been awesome. She's totally hot.