
Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Underrated Disney Barefooters

I’m a Disney Adult & I have a Foot Fetish & I’m not ashamed to say it. When it comes to Foot Fetish content from Disney most people think Ariel, Rapunzel & Moana but there are a few that sadly get overlooked. So I’m gonna go over 5 of them in no particular order to give them a little spotlight.

1. Lilo & Nani (Lilo & Stitch)

Ok I’m kinda cheating on this one because they’re technically not barefooters but they are barefoot a lot in their movies & TV series to the point where they might as well be. As for their feet themselves, I personally never got into them because they are a bit too chunky for my liking. However it helps that they live in a tropical environment with plenty of beaches giving them plenty of opportunities to go barefoot. Hopefully with the remake coming out this year they will get a little more recognition. I could’ve included Yuna from Stitch! the anime but I decided not to because she’s like a Japanese exclusive character.

2. Shanti (The Jungle Book 2)

Ok it’s really easy to overlook the Direct-to-Video Disney Sequels of the early 2000s despite being 1 of 2 of them that actually made it to Theaters the other being Return to Neverland. Shanti made a brief appearance in the ending of the original Jungle Book film but played a much bigger role in the sequel which gave us more opportunities for some feet scenes. Personality wise she’s kind of a stick in the mud but gradually loosens up overtime. She has adorable feet but she’s a child so that’s as far as I’m going.

3. Kida (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)

Honestly it doesn’t surprise me that she’s an underrated Disney barefooter since this is an underrated film. I particularly didn’t care for this movie but she’s a beautiful barefooter. Kinda wish she was in the film longer and was was barefoot in the direct to video sequel but unfortunately we ain’t so lucky. Her feet are absolutely lovely.

4. Pocahontas (Pocahontas)

Historical inaccuracies aside this is pretty good Disney film. She’s like one of the first barefooters and yet doesn’t get as much attention as Rapunzel or Ariel. But to be fair it’s probably because when people know about the real life Pocahontas you’ll find her history was pretty f**ked up. As her feet goes she has lovely copper skinned feet & is pretty tall which is also a turn on for me.

5. Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)

Underrated film when it first came out but has gained a following since then. Esmeralda is beauty, brains, compassion & barefooter all in one package. It’s no wonder why there was a love triangle around her in the film. As for her feet, I know I said this list had no particular order but she’s my #1 underrated Disney barefooter, so lovely, so skilled and agile. Probably has the most skilled feet out of all the Disney Barefooters too be honest.

Also notice how all the underrated barefooters of Disney just happen to be dark skinned:


  1. I do like Nani's big feet and Pocahontas. I haven't seen The Jungle Book 2 but the first movie was good.

  2. >the underrated barefooters of Disney just happen to be dark
    hmm... You know, you just very well might be on to something, wew
    More so than the fans of Disney though, I'd say it lies with more of an understanding of which race demographics are most prevalent within foot fetish communities, the even more nuanced cartoon ones at that. I really can't find a reliable way to determine who really makes up the most of the more niche cartoon footfags, we're really an obscure group within an already kinda fringe fetish. Guess you can get somewhat of a spattering by combining analytics, like how pornhub determined the most interest in feet was concentrated in middle eastern countries. And obviously the countries that fetishize cartoons the most are east asian countries (where most the cartoon porn is made). Foot fetish art is really booming out of China in particular.

    Interestingly enough, Rapunzel was considered the most popular princess worldwide on one study I found so age may also play a factor (i.e. when gen z, and by extension gen z fetishists, started discovering disney shit). Pocahontas is 3rd most worldwide which would rule out her being underrated. Funnily Merida was most popular in Africa so even if there's bias against darker girls on any front, can't quite rule out how blacks just crave after that whiter meat(sheeit, I think even my own waifu is white.)

    Also Esmeralda a ho.

  3. And I absolutely love all of them! To think that this isn't even ALL of the barefooters, too!

  4. Great list. I totally agree with your findings.
