(All these pics are webfinds by comic artist professionals. Fred Benes 1 & 3, Ed Benes (I have my suspicions it's the same guy but whatever the captions says) 5, Di Amorim 2, Diego Benard 4 and an unknown artist (can't make out his/her signature) 6)
I'm definitely not holding out on you guys with this post. I posted everything I had that remotely came close to a barefoot shot I could find of her here. (A barefoot huntress is that rare). If I decide to use her in another bonus she'll probably be fully in costume but she's hot enough to pull that off.
This week turned out to be busier than I thought but I did get some chapters out. All of them could be found here and star the character above along with a guest star:
Next week...I'm probably going to continue with updating that interactive almost daily so check back there often for more.