This is from an anime anthology of shorts by studios: Kamikaze Douga, Studio Colorido, Geno Studio, Trigger, Kinema Citrus, Production I.G, and Science SARU, each telling their own original stories around the franchise's universe similar to Animatrix and Halo Legends. These are from the shorts, "The Village Bride" and "Akakiri".
ReplyDeleteAre you upset over this post?
DeleteFeet for ants.
DeleteIt's fine just smol, feet are smol.
DeleteWhat do you mean smol?
DeleteIt's bird's view perspective, guess you can't into net-autist parlance, ma ikka~
DeleteI'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.
DeleteThat's just my internet-induced dementia acting up again, no worries.
DeleteWait... this is supposed to be Star Wars?
ReplyDeleteYes, why you ask?
DeleteToo bad there's no close shot on that flashback.
ReplyDeleteIs that a bad thing?
DeleteNo, but it be nice to see a close up on those feet.
DeleteGood find.
ReplyDeleteIt's not much, Dan. Are you fine with it?
DeleteOf course.
DeleteOK. Do you think an anime on Star Wars is a cool thing?
DeleteIt's possible depending on how it is.
DeleteIt doesn't have to be canon to the main timeline.